GCR Postal Auction: Railway, Bus & Tram Tickets Catalogue
Sale Closing Date: 5:00pm on Tuesday, 3 November 2020
The full Sale Results Listing is available in PDF format. Results are also shown on the catalogue pages for each Lot.
Sectional Index of Tickets
Condition of Tickets
Condition Grading Codes
 | indicates that the ticket is in excellent/undamaged condition |
 | indicates the ticket is in good condition with no noticeable defects |
 | indicates the ticket has some wear or minor crease, although still presentable |
 | indicates the ticket is in poor condition |
 | indicates that the ticket has faded |
 | for travel tickets: issued and dated example |
 | for platform tickets: all are deemed to be issued (some dated, some undated), unless stated otherwise. |
Condition of the Back of Tickets, Mounting Damage
 | indicates that the back of the ticket is in good, undamaged condition |
 | indicates that the back of a ticket has paper residue as a result of previous mounting, usually removable with care |
 | indicates that the back of the ticket, including the back paper, has actual damage or loss |
 | indicates that the back of the ticket is missing |